“Each one of you should use whatever gift he has received to serve others.”
1 Peter 4:10
Nusery, KinderChurch, Junior Church, and Caravan
Do you have a heart for kids and a desire to help them grow in their faith? Contact Erica if you would like to serve in our children’s ministries.
Choir or Chime Bell Choir
Lend your voice, or a hand (preferably both), in one (or both) of these dynamic music ministries. Contact Joyce Gifford (choir director) or Paula Abraham (chime bell choir director) if you would like to join.
Go on a Work and Witness trip, pray for missions around the world, or help serve other in our local communities. Ask Dean Heckman Sr., or Pastor Nathaniel about where you could help.
Media & Sound
The sound and media used is the service plays a key part in our worship. Contact Pastor Nathaniel, if you would like to be part of this ministry team.
Alpine Manor and Conesus Lake Nursing Facility
Give of your time to worship in song and in the Word with our friends at the Alpine Manor Assisted Living facility and the Conesus Lake Nursing facility. Touch base with Pastor Nathaniel or Nina Campbell if you would like to be part of this ministry.